Category Archives: News

General information

Mike Price Memorial Tournament

The WVCA has received several donations in memory of Mike Price. At the annual business meeting, we decided to hold a tournament in Mike’s memory sometime in the next year in the Parkersburg area. We will be using the donations towards costs for the playing site and towards the prize fund if there is a surplus.

Thank you to all those who have donated.

Chess FundamentalZ with GM DariusZ ŚwiercZ

Eighteen middle school and high school students from WV and KY attended the Huntington YMCA Chess Club’s Second Annual Chess Camp with GM Dariusz ŚwiercZ. The camp, June 26-29, included instruction on tactical as well as positional play, a simul, many, many puzzles, friendly matches and an end-of-camp four round tournament. We hope to do it again next year!

Group photo
Back row, left to right: Mark Hathaway, Zach Haden , Matt DeGroff, Clay Thompson, Oskar Meade, Matthew Phelps, Caden Eldridge, Dimitri Moore, Alex Peterson, Micah Barnette

Front row, left to right: Joe DeGroff, John Boylin, Jackson Denning, Alex Oliashirazi, Abram Hess, GM Swiercz, Duncan Bishop, Luke McCallister, Kaden Jeffers, Natasha Bradley

Photos by Seth Rutt