Author Archives: wvchess

2023-2024 Grand Prix Standings

Standings after 4 events
Events included: WV Italian Heritage Festival, Clarksburg Open, Action Championship, 23rd Mountaineer Open

 1. Lewis F Sanders            45.50
 2. Hardy Gu                   43.15
 3. Benjamin M Good            40.75
 4. Markle W Butcher           27.83
 5. John Everett Roush         26.58
 6. Luke Garlick               25.75
 7. Elijah David Schultz       20.33
 8. Edward A Garner            18.50
 9. Cortland Nesley            18.17
10. Christopher Leach          13.00
    David Wayne Hundley        13.00
12. Pushkal Solanki            12.50
13. James William Sutherland   12.00
14. Gallagher Kelsch           10.50
15. David Comer                 9.00
16. Tristan Marc Bly            7.83
17. David F Hines               7.25
18. Sam Timmons                 6.00
    William Cole Hutzler        6.00
20. Vishwadhipa Venkata Voore   4.75
21. Lawrence E Iorio            3.50
    Lance Pitrolo               3.50

WV Scholastic Championship

The WV Scholastic Championship was held March 16, 2024, in Clarksburg. 84 players competed in four sections: K-12, K-8, K-5, and K-3.

The winners were:
K-12 – Tristan Johnston (4/4)
K-8 – Lance Pitrolo (5/5)
K-5 – Hardy Gu (4/4)
K-3 – Julian Schmidt (4/4)

Congratulations to all and we are looking forward to seeing you represent West Virginia in the national events later this year!

Full Standings
USCF Crosstable

WV Scholastic Chess League

The Team portion of the WV Scholastic Chess league is complete. Weberwood Kings took first over Kelsch Budwany on tiebreaks in the K-5 section. The Camden Crusaders dominated the MS/HS section (four of them scored a perfect 6-0!). The USCF crosstable can be found here.

Pictured is the MS/HS winning team, the Camden Crusaders.

WV Junior Championship

John Boylin, our resident championship collector, has added another to his list. John went 4-0 and is now the Junior Champion as well as the Action and overall State Champion. No one has ever held all of these at the same time before! If he could simultaneously be under 21 and over 50 I imagine he’d have all 4 titles.

Landon Leach and Ishaal Patel tied for the beginner section and Markle Butcher won the Friends and Family Section.

USCF Crosstable