Summer Open

23 players attended the Summer Open in Saint Albans on August 14.

John Boylin won the open section with a perfect 3-0 score, including wins over David Hines and Lewis Sanders. John was the lowest rated player in the open section! Probably won’t be that way for long…

Carl Hudson won the U1600 with a 3-0 score.

USCF Crosstable

Clarksburg Open

Jimmy Fuller won the 2021 Clarksburg Open with a 4/4 score. He will represent WV in the 4th Annual John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions.

Ed Garner, Sam Timmons, and Lewis Sanders were tied for 2nd at 3/4. USCF Crosstable.

Not So Fast

The Scholastic Championships have been canceled:

May 12, 2021
Good Evening,

Covid has caused a lot of changes. Because of Covid, lack of registrations, and the time of year where families are celebrating graduations and other events, we are cancelling the tournament. I will refund any entry fees that are received. I apologize for the short notice.

In years past, the top-performing players in the section would be nominated to attend various invitational tournaments. This year, we will reach out to the top-rated players in each grade group to see if they would like to attend the invitational tournaments.

It is my hope that next school year, things will get back to normal and we able to host a league and play more tournaments.

Best Regards, Stay safe and healthy.

–Craig Timmons

Chess Returns!

Hello, all. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen or talked with any of you. I wanted to make sure everyone knows about some of the chess activity that is beginning to happen. The state scholastic events will be held over 2 Saturdays: May 15, and May 22. An unrated event is being held in Fayetteville on May 23. The Charleston Club is meeting at the Elkview Baptist Church on Tuesdays at 6pm. The Bridgeport Club is meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6pm at the Benedum Center. And while things are starting to return to normal, please continue to stay safe out there!

Bridgeport Chess Club

From Mike Baker:

I am happy to announce the Bridgeport Chess club will start back up again in April. We will start out slowly and meet the first and third Thursdays of each month from 6pm-8pm.

Masks, social distancing between the boards, and limited number of participants will be allowed in the room. It will be the same room on the 2nd floor.

I will be there in April, but May not so much due to work.
